Two years ago Allison, my wife, Sandi, and I attended the American Dream Experience (ADX) at Matson Money’s Freedom Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. We had long before been introduced to Mark Matson and Matson Money by attorneys belonging to the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys. After several years of nudging, good friends from the Academy, who were both attorneys and investor coaches, persuaded us to attend the American Dream Experience.
Sandi and I had visited the Freedom Center once before, but we didn’t know what to expect from the ADX. It was transformational for us, and this new world of investing from a purpose for money–using academic, science-based investing principles–has brought Sandi and me peace in our relationships with money and in the way we use our money in our lives. Since our first ADX, all of the team at Kinghorn Law and many of our family members have attended an American Dream Experience. We feel compelled to share this experience with people we love.
The Kinghorn Team is so excited to have been invited by Mark Matson, Founder and CEO of Matson Money, to an American Dream Experience exclusively for our clients and their friends and family. No other firm has had the privilege to have Mark and his team all to itself for this two-day event. It would bring me great joy to share this experience with all of you.
The Kinghorn Law American Dream Experience will be held this September 30 and October 1, 2021, in Scottsdale, Arizona. Sharing this experience with our clients and friends means so much to us that we want to provide you with hotel accommodations at a Scottsdale resort for two nights during this event so you can focus on the important discoveries of the ADX. Mark always extends his warm hospitality to his guests at the Freedom Center by providing breakfast and lunch both days.
Let us share this experience with you! Please email us at americandream@kinghornlaw.com to learn more and register. Space is limited at the Freedom Center, so please let us know soon if you would like to attend.
The American Dream Experience presentation is based on the views of Matson Money, Inc. Other persons may analyze investments and the approach to investing from a different perspective than that reflected in this presentation. Nothing included In the American Dream Experience is intended to imply that the approach to investing espoused in this presentation will assure any particular investment results. All investing involves risks and costs. No investment strategy, including asset allocation and diversification strategies, can ensure peace of mind, guarantee profit, or protect against loss.
Attorneys at Kinghorn Law, LLC are licensed to provide legal services in the State of Arizona and may also be licensed in other states. Kinghorn Law, LLC is also a Registered Investment Advisor company located in Arizona and may only transact business in those states in which it is registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements.