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  • Kinghorn Law, LLC


    Tucson Office
    3573 E. Sunrise Dr.
    Suite 209
    Tucson, AZ 85718


    Scottsdale Office
    6900 E. Camelback Rd.
    Suite 805
    Scottsdale, AZ 85251


Estate Planning

Kinghorn Law focuses on Estate and Business Planning, Living Trusts, Trust Administration, and Long-term Care & Medicaid (ALTCS) Planning.

We counsel clients on the unique legal issues relating to advancing age. Whenever possible, we prefer to help clients plan for the future, avoid probate, minimize taxes, and solidify their legacy. We also help clients plan for possible incapacity and long-term care. We help our clients deal with issues of aging with independence and dignity.


Tucson LGBTQ Estate Planning

Obergefell v. Hodges was a landmark decision that finally guaranteed nationwide marriage equality.

Estate planning is always complicated, and non-traditional sexuality or gender roles can make the process of making an estate plan and securing your legacy even more difficult. Kinghorn Law wants to make the process easy.

The fact that the battle for gay marriage has included estate planning cases shows just how much of an impact your sexuality can have on your estate planning process. While Obergefell v. Hodges has made it easier for homosexual couples to take some of the same estate planning shortcuts as straight couples, the nationwide recognition of gay marriage does not eliminate the complexity of the estate planning process. It also provides no relief to transgender individuals and to LGBTQ individuals who aren’t part of a marital union.

Estate planning is always complicated, and non-traditional sexuality or gender roles can make the process of making an estate plan and securing your legacy even more difficult. Kinghorn Law wants to make the process easy.

Why is LGBTQ Estate Planning Needed?

Whether you are married or single, you need an estate plan to protect your future and your family.

Your plan, like any plan of any person regardless of gender or sexuality, should address end-of-life issues; care of minor children after the death of the parents; retirement planning and asset protection; and legacy planning.

For LGBTQ individuals, however, your planning process may become more complicated both because of a history of laws that failed to recognize gay rights as well as because of continued discrimination.

What Should be part of an LGBTQ Estate Plan?

Your estate plan should be comprehensive enough to address the issues that can arise at the end of your life and after your death.

An experienced attorney can assist you in identifying all of the different goals you should try to accomplish during your estate planning process and can help you to identify the right legal tools to use. This could include trusts; a last will and testament; a guardianship plan for your children; pre-planning your funeral; creating a power of attorney; and more.

How can a Tucson LGBTQ Estate Planning Lawyer Help?

Kinghorn Law can provide comprehensive assistance with LGBTQ estate planning.

Kinghorn Law can provide comprehensive assistance with LGBTQ estate planning. Our legal team helps people who are single and people who are married to make the plans they need to achieve security and peace of mind. With our assistance, you can take full advantage of legal tools that protect your future.

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