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  • Kinghorn Law, LLC


    Tucson Office
    3573 E. Sunrise Dr.
    Suite 209
    Tucson, AZ 85718


    Scottsdale Office
    6900 E. Camelback Rd.
    Suite 805
    Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Matson Money Academic Advisory Board

There is a rigorous scientific and academic based method of investing? Who knew?

For years, I thought investing was mostly an art, a gut feel based on predictions of how the economy, market and individual companies will perform in the future. With this view, no wonder I felt helpless to guide clients suffering from poor investment advice—or worse, unscrupulous advice. I love being a lawyer and helping my clients find peace of mind by planning ahead and creating a carefully tailored estate plan designed to meet their individual needs–but to coach my clients with a financial plan that is just as solid as their estate plan? I had no idea how to do that.

I am fortunate to have been introduced to the academics of investing by Mark Matson, founder of Matson Money, a national leader in applying scientific investing research. I learned that trying to beat the market by picking the next big performing company (think Amazon or Netflix) was foolish. Hoping to find a “guru” who could do it for me is no better (but costs a lot more). Just as risky is wishing I could guess the perfect time to get into or out of the market.

I was thrilled to learn about Matson Money’s Board of Academic Advisors—people like Dr. Harry Markowitz, the Father of Modern Portfolio Theory, Dr. Art Laffer, a member of President Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board, and Steve Zaffron, a nationally recognized expert in leadership and co-author of the best-selling book The Three Laws of Performance, all of whom guide the application of the most current scientific research to help investors.

Is it any wonder I have wholeheartedly embraced this method of investing? It fits perfectly with what I have been doing for almost three decades as a lawyer.


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