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  • Kinghorn Law, LLC


    Tucson Office
    3573 E. Sunrise Dr.
    Suite 209
    Tucson, AZ 85718


    Scottsdale Office
    6900 E. Camelback Rd.
    Suite 805
    Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Tucson Elder Law, Medicaid and VA

At Kinghorn Law, our estate planning services are designed to help you enjoy your retirement free from financial worry, allowing you to access Medicaid and VA Benefits.

With a solid estate plan in place, you never have to fear you will be bankrupted if you go into a nursing home. You can rest assured your plan will provide a way to get the care you need, while leaving a legacy behind for your loved ones.


Elder Law, Medicaid, & VA

Tucson Medicaid Planning – ALTCS

You Don’t Have to Go Broke Paying for Nursing Home Care!

Maybe your health is declining or you’re healthy but concerned about your family’s history with Alzheimer’s or other illnesses…. And you’re worried about who will care for you and how you’ll pay for that care in your later years.

At Kinghorn Law we have identified 5 ways to pay for long-term care. Let us help you navigate these difficult options.

estate taxes
estate planning cost

Planning Early is Vital

In Arizona, the state Medicaid program has a long-term care benefit called ALTCS, or Arizona Long Term Care System.

You may qualify for ALTCS benefits to pay your nursing home bills, which can save you thousands of dollars each month!

The need for nursing home care does not have to catch you off guard. Planning early is vital. When you plan in advance, we can help you work within ALTCS guidelines to create a plan that protects assets from long-term care expenses.

Benefits of Medicaid Pre-Planning

Protects Your Family Home – Prevents the government from taking possession of your home when you die as a result of “State Medicaid Recovery.”
5-Year Look-Back Penalty – Minimizes your risk of facing this penalty and being disqualified from receiving benefits, forcing you to spend your nest egg and your kids’ inheritance to pay for care.
No Gifting Penalty – Protects you from potential gift tax issues by using strategic methods to transfer your assets so they are completely gift tax free!

The rules for qualifying for ALTCS benefits are hyper-technical and it is very important that you work with an experienced attorney to avoid creating ineligibility. We can help you with the proper planning, advice, and implementation so you can qualify for ALTCS without the dreaded “spend down” or losing the family home. To schedule your personal consultation or call us at 520.529.4000.

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