Tucson 520-529-4000
Scottsdale 480-480-8000
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Privacy Policy
Our law firm collects personal information only when you submit it to us. If you decide to submit such personal information, we or an external service provider will retain the information that you submit in a database, and we will use this information to complete your request. Any service provider that we designate will have agreed not to sell or distribute your information to any third party, and we will also not share the information with any third party except for the service provider. We may also use the information retained in the database to communicate with you directly via email or direct mail, such as to inform you about upcoming seminars that may be of interest to you. In order to guard your nonpublic personal information, we maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards, but we cannot guarantee that your personal information will never be disclosed in a manner inconsistent with this policy. Currently, we only employ a “cookie” for more accurate anonymous traffic analysis such as tracking.